
  9 am Traditional Worship

At 9 a.m. on Sundays, we celebrate a more traditional service of worship.  Its structure and its style of music are rooted in the historical practices of the United Methodist tradition, but are updated for our present day.  In and through the flow of traditional worship we seek to enter into God’s presence.  The worship service includes organ music, prayer, affirmations of faith, scripture, and faithful proclamation.  We sing the great hymns of the church as well as occasionally adding in some more contemporary selections.  There are also sung responses, as well as times for prayer and contemplation as the organist lifts up preludes, offertories, and postludes.

It is a joy to say that our traditional worship, while more formal in style, still has the warmth and intimacy of a faith-family celebration. There is never a sense of just going through the motions!

 8:30 Service

  10 am Contemporary Worship

At 10 a.m. on Sundays, people of all ages engage in a relaxed, while still energy-filled, service of worship.  We follow a structured, but still flexible order of worship, which includes times for prayer, a children’s message, the reading of scripture by members of our church family, moments to share our joys and concerns .. and to lift them up in prayer, and a biblically-based, Christ-centered, life-relevant message by the Pastor.  This service is brightened and inspired by congregational singing with the New Hope Praise Band.  For this service; the lyrics are projected onto screen so you can follow along.

Casual dress is always appropriate at 10:00 service.  Your presence in worship, not what you wear, matters most to us!

 9:30 Worship

  11 am Traditional Worship

Similar to our 9 am Traditional Worship service; its structure and its style of music are rooted in the historical practices of the United Methodist tradition, but are updated for our present day.  In and through the flow of traditional worship we seek to enter into God’s presence.  The worship service includes organ music, prayer, affirmations of faith, scripture, and faithful proclamation.  We sing the great hymns of the church as well as occasionally adding in some more contemporary selections.  There are also sung responses, as well as times for prayer and contemplation as the organist lifts up preludes, offertories, and postludes.

In addition to the organists playing in this service; we typically have the adult choir that performs traditional hymns during this service.  It is a joy to say that our traditional worship, while more formal in style, still has the warmth and intimacy of a faith-family celebration. There is never a sense of just going through the motions!

10:45 Chior